Thursday, September 8, 2011

The Kiss of Candy

This tiny little chocolate candy is one that can change a person's day by giving them a big smile or showing you love them. It has changed people a million kisses at a time. It is like a warm melt in your mouth, chocolate that wants to cover every last taste bud before you can't resist and have to share your tongue with another kiss. ;-*

1 comment:

  1. This is a very sensual description. I like the use of 'a warm melt' turning the verb into a noun. Sharing your tongue (correct spelling) with another kiss is a great image.
    Watch your pronoun agreement.....a person's day by giving him or her a big smile or showing you love him or her.
    Put a comma after mouth and before chocolate.
    Your title should capitalize the first letter of important words and not end in a period. (The Kiss of Death).
