Wednesday, October 19, 2011

To Be or Not To Be Plagerized

The article "Plagiarism Lines Blur for Students in Digital Age" is becoming a serious problem in our world of technology. In the article it is clearly stated that student s obviously don’t think it’s a big deal to take a couple things from cites without giving the author credit. But at the same time there's less and less reliable sources and it becomes a blur of information that's available for our use. Wikipedia provides common knowledge while not being a real source. Plagiarism is serious because it gives authors proper recognition.
Personally I think while it’s a good idea to follow the same strict lines of plagiarism students should get the opportunity to change their mistake. Since they may not have known or didn't know the seriousness of it. In this world of ever changing technology it becomes harder for the students to follow this norm. That is why the line has been drawn so squiggly.  Sometimes you are plagiarizing but then sometimes you’re not. This is indeed hard for any student.

 New York Times Article below:
confused-student by speak.india

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