Thursday, October 27, 2011

Coke vs Pepsi

Standing in the red corner with swirl lettters, ice cold but guarenteed hapiness... Coca-Cola. And In the blue corner, with plain letters, and a red, white, and blue swirl... Pepsi. There will be 3 rounds and 1 winner. Coke and Pepsi are Americas' main soda companys all through life but there is a clear winner here.
Coke has been the most commonly chosen soda over any. I'ts because it is the taste of perfection. The first drink is the most important it makes your eyes water because it is a thirst quencher. While pepsi's okay to but lets be honest. It tastes a little flat and dull. It doesn't advertise hapiness and I'd rather drink Dr. Pepper which hasn't sided with any of the two company's. Coke wins the first round by pounding the taste buds and  making the crowd pleased with this fight.
Pepsi is actually known to be cheaper than coke products. It is probally because people don't like it as much.  When I go to a restraunt and they say pepsi products im instantly am in shock and tell myself I am not coming back here. Hopefully they have Dr. Pepper there to cure my taste buds from shock. Coke is so much better that it even has it's own pepsi hate phrase.   When you ask for a coke and they say is pepsi fine? You say is monoply money fine? Second round pepsi get's K'O and coke takes the heavy taste belt.
The clear winner here is coke by far.  Theres no competition. I'ts the red ferrari not the blue minivan. Coke comes out on top in every aspect.

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