Monday, October 31, 2011

Veteran's Day Blog

Blog Post 7
 The first picture I believe is a better representation of Veteran's Day. In the first poster it shows are flag which represents pride, joy, life, and freedom. All of which are what we live for so we honor the people that have to fight for us. It also shows a light coming down on the flag making it happy and bright since it should stand out. It is like the heavens are shining on us. The people who fought are there for us. This goes to show that we care for all who served.
The Second poster is not the right representation all though it has a good meaning. It mentions following the footsteps of or nation and past, present, and future. I find this add also a recruiting add. It wants you to follow. The symbol at the bottom is also the air force symbol. It does also talk about honor and remembrance which a lot of people believe we forget about what are heroes have done for us but that's why we become patriotic and have a day for them.
So my verdict is the first one as you could have easily guessed.
Kick Acts Magazine. Web. 31 Oct. 2011.

1 comment:

  1. Please proofread your work for errors in grammar and mechanics. You have tons of them. It would have been better to put the images on the post and don't forget that your title needs to grab the interest of the reader.
    no comma after introductory phrase
    fragments (All of which we live for....)
    capitalization mistakes (second poster not Second poster)
    Spelling mistakes: ad not add
    a lot not alot
    that's not thats
