Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Why Men Don't Talk To Women


    This is exactly true! I'm just kidding. This does show how men and women communicate in a basic tense though. Guy's just like talking to girls because they are pretty and it is their job. Women take what men say and analyze it to much that they blow it out of proportion! We say one compliment and a girl will automatically freak out to find out why their talking to them what are plans are with them and most of the time assume we like then. Men get stuck with the bad end of the deal because then we have to explain that's all we meant by nice shoes. Then we get are head bit off and sawed into a couple pieces. The joys of women and their brains.


  1. Thanks for your post and your honesty. You have made some mistakes in your grammar and punctuation.

  2. I like how you put your opinion and the way you opened up your post. It's funny. :p
