Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Don't Be A Scrambled Egg

Through this poster we get the idea that drugs are bad and burn are brain. Drugs break you first spilling all of what you are. Your insides are left to burn and get hurt. Then at the bottom of the poster there is nothing left but a shell of you. Where your not really there. The poster is printed in black and white to show the gloominess and depression of drugs. It is set up so it goes through a stage process showing the before and after. From a distance you would just see the pan and egg so it subconsciously attracts people because people are naturally attracted to food. This would appeal to all ages except under teenagers. Eggs also in a way represent life and birth. So this shows drugs will take away and ruin your life.

1 comment:

  1. You chose a great ad to analyze. Please proofread your work and also separate your summary from your response by using paragraphs. (Our not are)
