Monday, February 20, 2012

Unhealthy Dream's

Lisa Shives M.D. wrote Viscious Cycle of Sleep Apnea And Obesity in Kids.
In this article she talks about how recently in a study children that are obese are becoming more and more susceptible to sleep apnea that's as severe as a normal adults. This causes OSA (Obstructive Sleep Apnea) which 80 to 90 percent of the time in pediatrics is cured by removing the tonsils and adenoids. The reason this happens in obese children is because the tonsils become enlarged due to fatty tissues in the upper airways. Fat deposits in the chest and neck also add to the heaviness or collapsability of the neck during sleep.
I feel like this should be an eye opener to a big problem in America. Obesity is already the 2nd biggest cause in death, 1st is smoking and 3rd is alcohol. In the article I read a sentence that made me feel like there is no hope for these kids.One talked about how if your obese child has sleep deprivation it increases their hunger during the day. The problem I have with this is their already obese so eating more is even worse. I feel the parents are letting down their children. I'll even put it in a different perspective. Smoking and alcohol shouldn't be competing with eating as a cause of death. Because eating should not be a bad thing but over eating is and It is hurting everybody including your kids.


  1. Zach,
    This is an interesting topic since all people seem to talk about is weight and how America is so obese. I agree with you that eating shouldn't be a bad thing, but I think some people take it past that and are actually addicted to it. I think more needs to be done to educate children on what will happen to them and give them some type of program to help them lose weight.

  2. Anna Marie,
    Thank you for your comment.I also agree with your statements and that there defiantly should be more education on it.

  3. Good job on your summary response. Watch your proofreading for plurals vs. possessives (Unhealthy Dreams) and the difference between 'their' and 'they're.'
