Monday, October 31, 2011

Veteran's Day Blog

Blog Post 7
 The first picture I believe is a better representation of Veteran's Day. In the first poster it shows are flag which represents pride, joy, life, and freedom. All of which are what we live for so we honor the people that have to fight for us. It also shows a light coming down on the flag making it happy and bright since it should stand out. It is like the heavens are shining on us. The people who fought are there for us. This goes to show that we care for all who served.
The Second poster is not the right representation all though it has a good meaning. It mentions following the footsteps of or nation and past, present, and future. I find this add also a recruiting add. It wants you to follow. The symbol at the bottom is also the air force symbol. It does also talk about honor and remembrance which a lot of people believe we forget about what are heroes have done for us but that's why we become patriotic and have a day for them.
So my verdict is the first one as you could have easily guessed.
Kick Acts Magazine. Web. 31 Oct. 2011.

Blog post 6 Technology Midterm

I used the technology tool goanimate on It looked like more fun to do and it was something i have never tried to do before. Since I am always open to new ideas and i like this one the most I gave it a try. I also thought the tool was one that i could use to explain what weve learned and the complications I have with the class. It was really intruiging and fun to manipulate the people and make them talk the way I wanted to them. I would pick a different tool since I got points taken off from my midterm. But overall it was worth it.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Coke vs Pepsi

Standing in the red corner with swirl lettters, ice cold but guarenteed hapiness... Coca-Cola. And In the blue corner, with plain letters, and a red, white, and blue swirl... Pepsi. There will be 3 rounds and 1 winner. Coke and Pepsi are Americas' main soda companys all through life but there is a clear winner here.
Coke has been the most commonly chosen soda over any. I'ts because it is the taste of perfection. The first drink is the most important it makes your eyes water because it is a thirst quencher. While pepsi's okay to but lets be honest. It tastes a little flat and dull. It doesn't advertise hapiness and I'd rather drink Dr. Pepper which hasn't sided with any of the two company's. Coke wins the first round by pounding the taste buds and  making the crowd pleased with this fight.
Pepsi is actually known to be cheaper than coke products. It is probally because people don't like it as much.  When I go to a restraunt and they say pepsi products im instantly am in shock and tell myself I am not coming back here. Hopefully they have Dr. Pepper there to cure my taste buds from shock. Coke is so much better that it even has it's own pepsi hate phrase.   When you ask for a coke and they say is pepsi fine? You say is monoply money fine? Second round pepsi get's K'O and coke takes the heavy taste belt.
The clear winner here is coke by far.  Theres no competition. I'ts the red ferrari not the blue minivan. Coke comes out on top in every aspect.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Chocolate's and Angel's 4

 Whatch First! and,

The following is a comparison of two axe product commercials: axe chocolate and axe excite.
Axe chocolate appeals to men because it attracts women. It show them it makes' them tasty and craved by women through smelling good and let's be honest most girls like chocolate. It is humorous and makes people laugh. While using sexual appeal to any male to make them buy it. Its point blank statement is this will get you girls and it's as easy as smelling like chocolate.                                   Angels are meant to be gorgeous for a reason. And if you can make them fall out of the sky and fall for you. That's one lucky guy! Axe excite is supposed to seduce the finest ladies. Through the commercial it even shows the angels will do anything to be with you even give up their halo. The slogan even angels will fall says it all.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

To Be or Not To Be Plagerized

The article "Plagiarism Lines Blur for Students in Digital Age" is becoming a serious problem in our world of technology. In the article it is clearly stated that student s obviously don’t think it’s a big deal to take a couple things from cites without giving the author credit. But at the same time there's less and less reliable sources and it becomes a blur of information that's available for our use. Wikipedia provides common knowledge while not being a real source. Plagiarism is serious because it gives authors proper recognition.
Personally I think while it’s a good idea to follow the same strict lines of plagiarism students should get the opportunity to change their mistake. Since they may not have known or didn't know the seriousness of it. In this world of ever changing technology it becomes harder for the students to follow this norm. That is why the line has been drawn so squiggly.  Sometimes you are plagiarizing but then sometimes you’re not. This is indeed hard for any student.

 New York Times Article below:
confused-student by speak.india